



Join our VPP and benefit additional revenues from your energy assets. IE-ENERGY is creating first regional Virtual Power Plant as a aggregated network of decentralized, medium-scale power generating units such as wind farms, solar parks, and combined heat and power (CHP) units, as well as flexible power consumers and storage systems. The interconnected units are dispatched through the central control room of the Virtual Power Plant but nonetheless remain independent in their operation and ownership.

The objective of a Virtual Power Plant is to relieve the load on the grid by smartly distributing the power generated by the individual units during periods of peak load. Additionally, the combined power generation and power consumption of the networked units in the Virtual Power Plant is traded on the energy exchange.

VPP uses the technology of pooling production, storage and consumption units. Each entity represents one unit of virtual power plant (VPP), together they form a balancing group that will be managed by IE-ENERGY through system algorithm for power system frequency regulation balancing.

Wind solar energy, the pillars of future energy markets, depend on the natural conditions, meaning bigger deviations between planned and realized production are expected, bringing imbalances to the grid significant storage capacity needs to be built in order to provide more balancing services to national TSOs. Through our soon-to-be-completed large scale battery storage with initial 10MW/22MWh capacity and future total capacity of 50MW/110MWh, we will offer balancing services (capacity & energy) to transmission system operators through balancing market.